Operation and Workflow

The system collects and analyzes transaction data from various sources, including sales orders, invoices, and payment records.

Machine learning models process the data to identify patterns indicative of potential risks or fraudulent activities.

AI algorithms categorize and prioritize risk events based on severity and impact on business operations.

The system provides real-time alerts and notifications to risk management teams, enabling timely response and corrective actions.

AI-driven analytics assess the effectiveness of corrective actions and adjust risk mitigation strategies accordingly.

Key Functionalities

Anomaly Detection
Develop machine learning models, such as isolation forest, to detect outliers and deviations from normal transaction patterns.
Risk Event Categorization
Implement AI algorithms to categorize identified anomalies and prioritize risk events based on severity and potential impact.
Real-time Alerts and Notifications
Integrate the risk management system with alerting mechanisms to provide real-time alerts and notifications to risk management teams.
Automated Corrective Actions
Develop automated workflows and decision support systems to recommend and execute real-time corrective actions in response to identified risks.