Empowering Leadership Development with Data Model & BI

Project Overview

The project aimed to develop a Progressive Web-App (PWA) and implement Data Models to enable online infrastructure and offerings for our Singapore-based client. The objective was to empower businesses with premium leadership development services through an affordable, pay-as-you-go software solution.

The Product

The product developed was a comprehensive Progressive Web-App (PWA). The PWA included various modules such as Growth Leader Assessment, Growth Sprint Design & Execution, and 360 Survey. This online infrastructure provided businesses with the necessary tools to foster growth and innovation.

Project Duration

The estimated project duration for completion was approximately ten months.

The Problem

Prior to the implementation of the PWA and Data Models, the client faced several challenges. The client had been generating data reports manually using Excel Macros, which was a time-consuming and error-prone process. Additionally, the existing infrastructure lacked a centralized platform for leadership development services, hindering accessibility and affordability for businesses.

The Goal

The goal of this case study was to address the challenges faced by our client and provide a solution that would streamline the process of leadership development services. The objectives included:

  • Develop a Progressive Web-App (PWA) to serve as an online infrastructure for leadership development services.
  • Automate the generation of data reports using scalable Data Models.
  • Enhance accessibility and affordability of leadership development services for businesses.

User Research

  • Conducted user interviews to understand the needs and goals of businesses seeking leadership development services.
  • Performed competitive analysis to identify industry trends and best practices.
  • Collected user feedback through surveys and usability testing of the existing infrastructure.

Through user research, it was found that businesses faced challenges in accessing premium leadership development services due to cost limitations and lack of centralized tools. There was a need for an online platform that provided affordable, pay-as-you-go software solutions to empower growth and innovation.

Pain Points

The main pain point experienced by users was the absence of a centralized platform for leadership development services, resulting in limited access and high costs. Additionally, the manual generation of data reports using Excel Macros was time-consuming and prone to errors.

Solution Brief

To address the challenges faced, the following solution was implemented:

  • Progressive Web-App (PWA): We built a Progressive Web-App (PWA), encompassing modules such as Growth Leader Assessment, Growth Sprint Design & Execution, and 360 Survey. This online infrastructure empowered businesses by providing them with affordable, pay-as-you-go software for premium leadership development services.
  • Data Models for Report Generation: We executed scalable Data Models to automate the generation of data reports, which were previously generated manually using Excel Macros. This automation provided instant report generation based on the client's scientifically proven intellectual property (IP).

Impact and Lessons Learned

The implementation of the Progressive Web-App (PWA) and Data Models had a significant impact on our client and its clients. The key outcomes of the project were:

  • Enhanced accessibility: Businesses gained access to premium leadership development services through the user-friendly and affordable Progressive Web-App (PWA).
  • Increased efficiency: Automating report generation reduced manual effort, resulting in quicker and more accurate reports.
  • Empowered decision-making: The instant availability of data reports allowed businesses to make informed decisions for growth and innovation.
  • Cost-effective solution: The pay-as-you-go software model made premium leadership development services affordable for businesses of all sizes.

Through this project, we learned the importance of leveraging technology to provide accessible and affordable solutions for businesses. The successful implementation of the Progressive Web-App (PWA) and Data Models showcased the impact of our services in empowering businesses with efficient and cost-effective leadership development solutions.